Guest Information

All guest bookings share a common starting point - the Guest Info menu. This menu is used to define the structure of a guest's stay, as well as record important information about the guest's contact information in the event it is needed later. Most information on this menu can be updated as needed at any point prior to or during the guest's stay.

Whenever you open a guest's booking, it automatically opens to the Guest Info menu. The menu selection is confirmed via the highlighted Guest Info menu in the upper Show ribbon.

Depending on your hotel's policies, different fields on the guest info page may be required (see Required Fields). Any field that has been set to be required will be highlighted in yellow, and the booking cannot be saved or modified until each have these have been filled out. Any non-highlighted fields are not required, but we generally recommend filling these out to the best of your ability whenever applicable.

Alternatively, if this is a returning guest, you can use a guest profile look-up to import their information from a past booking. To do so, use the ellipses (...) to the right of the Last Name field to search existing profiles. When selected, the booking will auto-populate all relevant fields using the information saved to the guest's profile.

Once you have added or modified the guest's information as needed, use the Save or Save & Close buttons in the top-left corner to apply your changes.